Award-Winning Novel
“Occasionally a book reaches our desk that stands out even among a field of shining stars. Arcadia, My Arcadia is just such a book.…The main character brought tears to my eyes more than once. The author knows his character's life down to the missing hobnails on his only pair of shoes…A must-read!”—Mary Papoutsy, Hellenic Communication Service
Arcadia, My Arcadia is the semi-autographical poetic and powerful story of an audacious, smart, and hungry country boy (Angelo Vlahos) and the son of semi-literate, marginalized farmers who wants to escape the dusty poverty of his nameless village in the folds of the somber Arcadian mountains and go to America.
Kokonis’s debut novel is the recipient of many awards, including a coveted “Honorary Prize” from the prestigious Academy of Athens, a First Homer Prize, and Gold Medal from the International Society of Greek Writers, and a “Special Recognition” from the Pan-Arcadian Federation.
In praise of the common men and women of the world, the cry of Arcadia, My Arcadia speaks with a strong cultural voice but one that has a universal tone. Clear and vital, it sounds through every culture, inspiring tears of hope that are part of the eternal human condition.
Readers and critics have praised Arcadia, My Arcadia for its authenticity, elegance of style, and inspiring messages.
Critical Praises and Testimonials:
“Pure gold!”—Vicki J. Yiannias, National Herald
“It touches deeply.”—Nicholas Gage, Dean of Greek-American writers
"A story vividly and dramatically told, with echoes of the greatness that was Hellas."—Harry Mark Petrakis
"The story is about the eaters and the absorbing story, its characters deftly drawn and its appeal universal...It's been years since I've read David Copperfield, but this book reminded me of it..."—S.L. Wisenberg, Red Fish Studio
"...will become a classic one day."—Patty Apostolides, Author of The Maiden and the Lion
"It sets a new standard for literature that is concerned with surviving the immigrant experience."--Prof. Michael Davros, North Eastern Illinois University
"It has a strong, haunting, literary quality... like a Greek Steinbeck. Brilliant!"—Betty St. John, Jack Scagnetti Literary Division
"A very special story...I enjoyed it immensely"—Hon. Michael Dukakis
"It is impossible not to become motivated to do something great after reading this book." —Lynn Reisberg, Triton College, Illinois
Author and screenplay writer Alexander Karanikas visited to discuss Arcadia, My Arcadia
“It strikes a dart in the heart of every one fortunate enough to escape poverty’s strictures.”—Antoinette M. Gianopoulos, PA, USA
"A page turner!"--Elaine Thomopoulos, Ph.D.
“This book is an experience to be savored."-- Author Bill Douros, Carved in Stone
“Richly-detailed and well-crafted."--Alexander Karanikas, Hellenes and Helions
“...the type of 'underdog' tale that Frank Capra would have liked to do."--Tony LaMarca, Film Producer, New Jersey
“A passionate story written from the heart.”—Jim Kokoris, Author of The Rich Part of Life
“A masterwork, this is a novel that will appeal to generations of readers who will look to its pages for the hope needed to survive life's difficulties."—Michael G. Davros, Ph.D., Northeastern Illinois University
“A wonderful version of the American Dream.”—Hon. Thomas Miller, Ambassador to Greece
"I gobbled up and digested Arcadia, My Arcadia in 24 hours, quite often with wet eyes. It is of terrific interest... It touched me deeply."—Virgil S. Benakis, Athens, Greece
“The author places you in his world without your feet ever leaving the ground, and carrying you back to a place you have never visited... A wonderful and enjoyable tale that captures the soul of a country as well as your own.”—Sarah McKeever, Bennington Post
"The author is to be commended for this extraordinary work!"--Costas Sarantopoulos, M.D., Former Supreme President, Pan-Arcadian Federation
“Last night Angelo talked to me in my sleep, as he does often. He told me that he had two teachers: His mother and Nikos Zisis, the one-room school teacher. Cannot tell you how much I love this story! At the New York Library, Donnell Center, I will read an excerpt from Arcadia, My Arcadia. The story speaks to me!””—George Costacos, actor
“I’m certain this Christmas read will be the best and until you write another book, I won’t be able to top it!” —Stephanie Micsak
"A vivid document for future generations."--Arthur Nikelly, Ph. D., University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
"Exceptional! A well-written manuscript and a captivating story. I wept while reading it. I applaud the author"--Costas Danopoulos, Ph.D., Chair, Political Science Department, San Jose University
"Dr. Rolph Weil, Dean of Roosevelt University when Kokonis attended, and now President Emeritus
"I find this project inspirational and uplifting. Your story reminds me of Angela's Ashes.”—Eric P. Jones, Assistant Director, Unit Production Manager, DGA
“Thank you for a marvelous insight into the life of Greek farmers. Not since Eleni has a book brought to witness the life of the Greek peasants. I was also reminded of Nikos Kazantzakis’s description of life in Cyprus in his classic, Freedom or Death. ”—George Bellas, George Bellas, Bellas & Wachowski, Park Ridge, Illinois
“ real, so touching, gut wrenching… A movie of this story could match Elia Kazan’s ‘America, America.’”—Evangeline Serafoglou, Flushing, NY
“Kokonis has the unusual and unique ability to reveal a human soul's elation and torture, the conflict between hope and despair. Reminiscent of the classic authors, this story will long be remembered after the last page is read. Should be on everyone's list.”—Author Linda Morelli, Fiery Surrender and Shadow of Doubt
"I congratulate you for a job well done!"—Alex Rigopoulos, Former Supreme President, Pan-Arcadian Federation
"I identified so intimately with Angelo, the story's winning main hero, that I was moved to tears a few times." —Harry C. Triandis, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Emeritus, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
"The author doesn't sentimentalize, as some Greek-American writers do, doesn't shout out. He simply narrates eloquently, his language rich and potent... The author generalizes the place. Arcadia could be any region."—Kostas Frangos, Journalist
"While waiting to perform surgery, I read only the brief introduction to your book and already I am overwhelmed."--Theodore Z. Polley, Jr, M.D., F.A.C.S., University of Michigan Medical School
"Thank you for the shipment of 24 copies of Arcadia, My Arcadia. I will keep one and the others I will give them gifts to my relatives and friends. Bravo and God bless you."—Ted Stamison, Villa Park, IL